Daniel Baugh

Appearing: Saturday & Sunday

Autographs: $40

Table Selfie: $20

Autographed Funko/statue/figure (item provided by attendee): $60

Daniel Baugh is a voice and stage actor, as well as an artist. Daniel brings over 40 years of stage acting
experience and directing skills to his new love of dubbing anime.

Daniel has been doing voice over for several years now; the most notable role to date is that of the Helmsman of the Straw Hat Pirates, Jimbei(Jinbe) on One Piece. Daniel has also voiced Gemnemo on Blood Blockade Battlefront, Roger on Attack on Titan, Badger on Vinland Saga, as well as providing voices for shows such as Zombie Land Saga, Overlord III, The Ancient Magus Bride and others.

Daniel’s favorite stage roles have included Jack the Ripper, Edward Hyde, Sweeney Todd, and the pirate, Peter Waxend in Captain Blood. Along with acting, Daniel also enjoys painting, gardening, and meeting One Piece fans. Daniel lives with his wife and dog in Plano, Texas.